Home » Rant » Florida CCW now valid in Nevada

Florida CCW now valid in Nevada

posted in: Rant, Shooting 0

Some awesome news relevant to me is the fact that Nevada has added Florida Concealed Carry Weapons permits to their reciprocity list, effective as of 03 January 2008.

How is that relevant to me? I have a valid Florida non-resident CCW. Now that Nevada recognizes Florida CCWs, I can carry a concealed firearm legally in the State of Nevada.

This also means I can carry in pretty much all Southwestern states (NV, AZ, UT, CO, NM, TX) along with several other states for a total of 31 states that recognize the Florida CCW permit.

But we definitely need to reform CCW issuance in California. It is unacceptable that California makes it difficult for most law abiding citizens from obtaining a CA CCW.

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