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Remakes: A great way to kill cult classics

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Apparently, MGM plans to remake to Robocop and Red Dawn. I can’t even begin to think how you can remake either movie, both of which are cult classics.

Robocop, was one of the coolest sci-fi/violence/satirical films of its time. It was all out violence with a cyborg, fighting both the uber villains in Detroit (including the ones who ‘killed’ him) and the conflict within him trying to accept that he is no longer the ‘man’ he was. This film was so awesome that back in 1987, it received an X-rating for violence, and resulted in footage being cut from the film to get a lesser R-rating. Of course, Criterion released their edition of the Robocop film to DVD, which is the original X-rated cut. If you haven’t seen it, watch it. There’s nothing like watching the ED-209 decimating some guy for nearly 30 seconds with twin mini-guns.

And remaking Red Dawn? I’ll admit, the Soviets and Cubans invading the United States in the original 1984 film is a huge stretch, but in the Cold War era, is it really that hard to imagine? Red Dawn is a great ‘fantasy’, “[The] End of the World As We Know It”, Pro-US / Anti-Communism propaganda, pro-2nd Amendment, action film. And how can you not like the young Lea Thompson and Jennifer Grey rocking AK-47s, RPKs, and RPGs against the Communist invaders? Wolverines!

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