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Why I am apathetic about the Presidential race

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This is the most heated Presidential races in my lifetime, and will probably be the most heated I’ll ever see.

Most of my friends and colleagues at work are Democrats and/or liberal and the amount of trash talking towards the Republican party and the promotion of Obama is non-stop.

But for the most part, I sit quiet and I don’t argue. Why? I just don’t care.

Yes, I probably should. But I just don’t think anything will really change if either McCain or Obama takes the White House.

Will the economy get better? Who knows? It probably will, but not because of whoever becomes President. It will simply be America as a whole collectively digging out of the bottom of the whole. The economy always has cycles of recessions and upswings. Eventually will hit the upswing and then another economic disaster will cause calamity 12-15 years down the line and we’ll be another recession. It will never end.

Will the war be over? Who knows? It probably never will be. The “War Against Terror” started long before 9/11/2001. But the scale of our active military deployment will most likely scale back no matter who becomes President in 2009. If and when we do pull out of the Middle East, I can almost guarantee there will be another strike against civilians on US soil to pull our military back into the Middle East on enemy territory. It will never end.

My shooting buddies are afraid that Obama’s election to office would lead to new harsher gun control laws. Who knows? I would say it is a 30% chance that any serious Federal level gun control laws. The “Assault Weapon Ban” in 1994 barely passed the Senate and the bill had to modified to have a sunset/expiration to even get the votes. Could they pass an even stricter and broader version of the 1994 AWB with Obama in the White House? As scary it may be, I doubt it would happen. While gun control is a volatile issue socially, it is a very sensitive political issue that many Democrats don’t want to touch.

As a registered Republican, I feel it important to say that the Republican Party is dead. If Obama does get elected President, it will definitely signal the death of the ‘traditional’ Republican Party. The hardcore right-wing Republicans can be alienating to moderate Republicans such as myself. Gay marriage? I’m not for it, but I’m not against it. Let homosexuals get married. More money for divorce lawyers. Abortion? I’m not for it, but I’m not against people having the choice to get one.

Personally, I’d like to see a third party spin-off from the Republican Party. Something that appeals to people more like me.

Anyway, come Election Day, you can be assured that I’m voting McCain-Palin. Hate me if you want. In California, it’s a moot point. It’s a symbolic vote since there’s no way McCain will win in California.

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